The #MiniMastermind Archive
Every 2 months in The Growth Partnership we get together to have a live interactive Mini Mastermind where I talk and teach on a particular topic or tackle a particular complex case that one of the community has brought for discussion.
Scroll down to browse the archive
MiniMastermind #13: Changes and Challenges
This session was all about how to make and manage changes and challenges in our businesses and in our lives (where there is an impact on your business. We start with me talking about my experiences of making changes in my business and personal life and the impacts they've had. I then talk to Sadie who brings her challenges to the session for discussion. You can work through strategies for your own changes and challenges using the framework and questions I set out in the video.
▶️ WATCH MINIMASTERMIND #13MiniMastermind #14: Headaches
In this MiniMastermind we were talking all about headaches. Different types of headaches and how to adjust our diagnosis and treatment accordingly. We then broke up into small groups to analyse a really complex case from my clinic. This one was a great exercise in disentangling multiple possible diagnoses to get to a treatment approach. Thank you to everyone who participated and contributed their thoughts and questions.
▶️ WATCH MINIMASTERMIND #14MiniMastermind #15: Change your story
This session was all about shifting our beliefs about ourselves: about who we are; what's possible for us; and our ability to take action to move forward. I want to particularly thank those who shared their stories, their problems, and their fears. It was intense at times because calling out our limiting beliefs, acknowledging the discomfort and disquiet we feel in our lives, is not the easy path, even though it is necessary.
▶️ WATCH MINIMASTERMIND #15MiniMastermind #16: Challenging clients
There are clients who challenge us, and there are clients who we need to challenge. In this session we looked at our own patterns and discomfort with awkward conversations and at our boundaries. I gave everyone 6 key steps to help deal with challenging client scenarios with care and serenity without sacrificing boundaries.
▶️ WATCH MINIMASTERMIND #16MiniMastermind #17: The Power of Packages
Selling treatment packages has advantages for us as practitioners, but the way we implement them has to make sense to our clients (and to us!) This was a great discussion that covered a lot of ground as to how you can create packages that really work, whatever stage of development your business is at. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the discussion and participated in the breakout rooms, where it's always great to see people really sharing and supporting each other.
▶️ WATCH MINIMASTERMIND #17MiniMastermind #18: Guarantee your results?
How can you guarantee your results? In this session I talk about what I do as a practitioner with my clients to maximise success and address areas where we haven't achieved our goals. Then I talk through the questions you need to look at your processes so you can get in front of problems you're already aware of, but don't know what to do to fix. And of course I offer a bit of advice to some members of our community who are considering these questions.
▶️ WATCH MINIMASTERMIND #18MiniMastermind #19: Male fertility testing and treatment
For this MiniMastermind Ian Stones, an acupuncturist by training and also the founder of testhim.com the at-home testing service for male fertility. Ian talked about the limitations in the usual approach to male fertility and the diagnostic tests that are available to get the correct diagnosis. We then discussed a male fertility case study where the testing was used to inform the TCM diagnosis and treatment.
▶️ WATCH MINIMASTERMIND #19MiniMastermind #20: Adrenal PCOS
This is "a bit of a lecture" all about Adrenal PCOS, the often-overlooked type of PCOS. There's information here about: 👉 How do we diagnose it? 👉 What are the markers for it? 👉 And most importantly, how do we treat this with our TCM skills? The session included a case history from my clinic and I included some of the acupuncture points and herbal formulae I used.
▶️ WATCH MINIMASTERMIND #20MiniMastermind #21: Now, Never, Later
For January I wanted to do some foundational organising for the year. I used these 3 steps to lead everyone through my process: 1️⃣ Getting our To Do lists up to date. 2️⃣ Figuring out what needs to be done now, what needs to be done later, and what needs to come off the list permanently, either by delegating or deleting. 3️⃣ Working through areas where we’re feeling stuck.
▶️ WATCH MINIMASTERMIND #21MiniMastermind #22: The 3 things you need to do to build a sustainable practice
This discussion was a free insight into the work we do in our year-long Mastermind Groups to get you from just starting out or "just getting by" as a practitioner to having a sustainable practice that makes you money without costing your family life or your mental health. We talk about 3 key things you need to do to make your practice a sustainable success and how you can start doing these things in practice.
▶️ WATCH MINIMASTERMIND #22MiniMastermind #23: Building long term relationships with your clients
We all want to have committed, responsive clients working in partnership with us for a common goal. However, all too often we have clients who don't come regularly enough, don't follow our advice, and make us feel like we're constantly struggling to keep them coming back for treatment. This session is all about how to work with your clients to create a shared understanding and a mutual commitment to the treatment process.
▶️ WATCH MINIMASTERMIND #23MiniMastermind #24: Building mental resilience as you grow your business
How do you cope when things are going slowly, wrongly or disappointingly in your business? This MiniMastermind is all about understanding and learning from what you may see as 'failures' in your business. We discuss how to normalise and even encourage uncomfortable feelings as part of your growth, as you develop from a start-up to an established business.
▶️ WATCH MINIMASTERMIND #24Free webinar on How to make money ethically in Chinese Medicine available to all Growth Partnership members
▶️ WATCH THE WEBINARMiniMastermind #25: Resolving Phlegm
This MiniMastermind was a bit different to my usual, as this was a straightforward hour's lecture that got back to some fundamental TCM and took a deep dive into Resolving Phlegm, covering: 👄 How TCM defines Phlegm, 👁️The scope of it's influence, 💙 The role of the Zang Fu organs in phlegm physiology, 👃Typical and weird phlegm symptoms, 👅 Tongue and pulse picture, 🌿 Approach to treatment for acupuncturists and herbalists.
▶️ WATCH MINIMASTERMIND #25MiniMastermind #26: Breaking up with clients
Ending a client relationship requires firm boundaries, guts, the ability to hold space for discomfort, and sometimes, a willingness to not be liked by the other person. In this session I tell the story of a very difficult client relationship and how I had to act to bring it to a close. (Trigger warning: the story involves a neonatal death.) I then give you questions that you can use to identify when client relationships are no longer working and how to end them in the best way for you and your client.
▶️ WATCH MINIMASTERMIND #26MiniMastermind #27: Fibroids
This was a mini-lecture on fibroids: 👉 what they are, 👉 what they do, 👉 Western diagnosis and treatment, 👉 TCM diagnosis and treatment.
After this mini-lecture I had a great chat about the practical ways to help avoid "the summer slump" in client numbers, or indeed the 3 month cycle of feast/famine in client numbers that so many of us have.
MiniMastermind #28: Stepping up in September
This month was all about getting past the summer slump and getting you back into business mode after the summer holidays. That said, everything we talked about is applicable all year round. So if you're ever feeling a bit overwhelmed, uninspired or disengaged from your practice, give this video a watch to help you move your mindset back to a more productive mode.
▶️ WATCH MINIMASTERMIND #28MiniMastermind #29: Programming yourself for success
Here we take a good hard look at how our thoughts influence our success and what we can do to control our thoughts to influence our success. I do a live demonstration of how I use these techniques for myself.
▶️ WATCH MINIMASTERMIND #29MiniMastermind #30: UTIs and Interstitial Cystitis
To celebrate our 30th episode, I gave you a lecture on UTIs and Interstitial Cystitis and why treating these issues successfully is very far from a simple diagnosis of Damp-Heat. I tackled UTIs from a biomedical, an acupuncture and herbal medicine perspective, covering diagnosis, treatment and client management.
▶️ WATCH MINIMASTERMIND #30MiniMastermind #31: Reflections for growth
In this last session of 2024 I lead you through some work to reflect on your last year - what you have learned and how to gain a sense of closure on the year. This will leave you free to set your intentions for 2025 in a really positive and gentle way.
▶️ WATCH MINIMASTERMIND #31MiniMastermind #32: Slow & curious, not fast & furious
This session is all about how we optimise our action-taking and address the impact of our personal lives on our professional lives and vice versa. I talk about the 3 models of action-taking I see in my Mastermind and mentoring sessions and how you can address these models of action-taking (or inaction) when they present in your clinical clients.
▶️ WATCH MINIMASTERMIND #32Unable to view the videos?
To view the MiniMasterminds and the webinar you need to be a member of The Growth Partnership. The Growth Partnership is a supportive, respectful and professional community of practitioners committed to improving their knowledge and practice.