This is so much more than a marketing course; this is about doing the inside work to change your mindset in order to change your business
Why I created this course
“I have a successful practice – I don’t need a marketing course.”
This is a phrase I have heard many times over the years. In fact, one of the Beta Testers for my online Diploma said it to me too:
“I was originally disappointed that I had been allocated this module to evaluate as I had thought my business was doing just fine! Having completed the module, I realise this was not the case.”
So, why is this course in Fertility Support Training and why am I so hell-bent on having it as a necessary inclusion to completing the Advanced Level Diploma in Fertility Acupuncture when there’s so much resistance to the concept?
This course, like my other courses, is built on practical experience not theories
Over the course of 15 years I had built up a fairly good practice, with clients flowing through the door as the years went on. I did not feel that I had to market myself and could let word of mouth take over. Then, in 2016 I found myself in a place I had never been before. A change in personal circumstances meant I had to make a huge change in my life and my small comfortable practice had to become the main source of income for my family.
In real terms this meant I needed to triple my income. There was just no choice and there was no time to build up to it.
I knew from previous experience that no amount of paying for Facebook or Google ads or any manufactured marketing was going to do the trick in the time or budget I had available. In order to achieve my financial goals, I had no choice… I went inward – that was the only way.
You have to do the 'inside work' to have a solid foundation to build on
I spent time doing what I call the ‘inside work.’ I read books on female entrepreneurs, I went to entrepreneurial conferences (and in many ways felt more at home than I have done at some TCM conferences, which was an interesting revelation to me).
I took the time to really think about myself, my patterns, my failures, my pitfalls, where I displayed self-sabotaging behaviour which affected my ability to work, what I wanted from my practice, my messaging, my customer service, my client handling, my pricing, my epigenetic inheritance, my goals, my aims, my aspirations – so many things I’d never really taken the time to think through.
These are things that we all know we need to do, but many of us (myself included) need outside help do actually make it happen.
I applied all of this knowledge and insight to my work. Rigorously, with investment in myself first, and with a level of consciousness and mindfulness that I’d never before been able to achieve. I tripled my income and I’ve had a three to six month waiting list ever since. The experience was life-changing for me.
It was also, in many ways, a uniquely female exploration as I had to learn (or re-learn) all sorts of habits around boundaries, self-care and being ‘nice’ which I’ve come to think is a kind of deprograming of how we, as women. are brought up by our parents and our society. This does not make this course any less applicable to people who have been raised as male, they may just have less hard work to do to establish the right mindset.
I am incredibly proud that I’ve been able to help other practitioners do as I have done and increase their income in a way that works for them, and therefore, works for their clients. Take a look at what people say in their own words.
Don't worry if you don't feel ready
You are here and reading this page, which means you have already taken the first step on the journey. Don't worry if some of what I've said sounds daunting - that means that this is the right course for you. If 2020 has taught us anything, it is that you cannot wait for circumstances to be right before you act. So take some control back by taking action. Taking the next step to buy the course and commit to change is the toughest step, but from there I promise it gets easier. I hope you will join me in taking the right steps to reap the concrete financial and lifestyle improvements for you and your family.
This is the fifth module in the
Advanced Level Diploma in Fertility Acupuncture
Key Concepts
Growth mindset
Onboarding clients
Being conscious and intention with your actions
Understanding the idea of Pain Points
Genograms and the Unconscious Familial Impact
Family and money
Unconscious programming
What is marketing?
What makes marketing work?
Defining your goals.
The Ideal Customer
Social Media
Digital storytelling
Email lists
Customer Service
Establishing trust
Staying professional
Dealing with tricky situations
Food and emotion
Put your own oxygen mask on first
Hacks to deal with self-worth
Time – there's more than you think
Finances and Websites
Payment Systems
Websites – what needs to be on them?

This course is accredited for professional development credit from the following accreditation bodies:
- NCCAOM: 6.5 PDA points
- Florida Board of Acupuncture: 47 credits for the complete Diploma
- California Acupuncture Board: 6.5 (Cat 2) credits
This is not a Chinese Medicine course but many regulatory bodies in other countries also award continuing education credits for business courses.
“…super organised now thanks to this course!!! Frankly it’s not only changed my practice but also my life! Sounds dramatic but it’s true.”
“Anyone can list off the social media platforms we should be accessing and tell you how they work, but this, as stated, does more because it does provide inspiration and works to make you think about your own practice, your own strengths and limitations, and work on them.”
“How often do we stop and think about what we really want and how we can get it? I think most practitioners don’t do this and so get stuck in a hole.”